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Ajax Training
Ajax Training and Course Syllabus and Description
What is Ajax ?
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Ajax is a group of connected technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM, XML, XML Http Request etc.
AJAX is considered to be a Fast Technology. With AJAX one can send and receive data asynchronously without reloading the web page. Because of this features it makes web pages faster, smoother and more interactive.
Ajax Course Description:
Ajax is one of the technologies which is covered under the Training & Course of Web Development at CodeShip Pune. While learning Ajax students get to work on live web application and ajax to it.
Ajax Course & Training Syllabus:
- Lecture: 01Overview
- Lecture: 02Achievements with Ajax
- Lecture: 03Why is Ajax
- Lecture: 04jQuery vs Ajax
- Lecture: 01Synchronous & Asynchronous Communication
- Lecture: 02Ajax based web applications architecture
- Lecture: 01Properties of Ajax engine
- Lecture: 02readyState, onreadystatechange
- Lecture: 03status
- Lecture: 04responseText, responsseXML
- Lecture: 01open(-,-,-)
- Lecture: 02Send()/send(String)
- Lecture: 03setRequestHeader(-,-)
- Lecture: 04Application flow

Course Features
- Practical Oriented
- Placement Support
- Notes and Study Material is available
- Soft Skills Training
Additional Information
- Duration:3 Months
- Certification:Yes
- Projects:5 Mini 1 Major
- Batch Strength:8 to 10 Students per bath
- Languages:Marathi, Hindi, English