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PHP Course Training in Pune
PHP MYSQL and PHP Framework Classes
What is PHP ?
PHP is a server-side scripting language that can be utilized to covert website into a dynamic web application with excellent features. When it comes to web or website development most of the developers first choice is PHP.
Since PHP is an open source, it is preferred development option of most companies for web development. The main benefit of PHP is it is easy to learn. It is considered one of the easiest scripting language. PHP is extremely flexible and cost-efficient because of its open source characteristic and it gives web developer more control compared to other programing languages.
PHP MySQL Course Training Description
CodeShip offers 1 Month of intense training program for PHP and MySQL in Web Development Training. In one month, we first coved basic concept with one min project and then we go for advance concept with 1 Major project. By the end of this course one can be very much proficient in PHP if given assignments and practice done one time.
PHP Course Syllabus:
- Lecture 01:History
- Lecture 02:Versions and Differences between them
- Lecture 03:Practicality & Power
- Lecture 04:Installation and configuring Apache and PHP
- Lecture 01:Styles of PHP Tags
- Lecture 02:Comments & Datatypes in PHP
- Lecture 03:Output functions in PHP
- Lecture 04:Configuration Settings
- Lecture 05:Types of Error
- Lecture 01:Variable Declarations
- Lecture 02:Variable Scope
- Lecture 03:PHP’s Super global Variables
- Lecture 04:Variable Variables
- Lecture 01:Magic Constants
- Lecture 02:Standard Pre-defined Constants
- Lecture 03:Core Pre-defined Languages
- Lecture 04:User-defined Constants
- Lecture 01:Execution Control Statements
- Lecture 02:Conditional & Looping Statements with Real-time Examples
- Lecture 01:Creating Functions
- Lecture 02:Passing Arguments by Value and Reference
- Lecture 03:Recursive Functions
- Lecture 01:Introduction of Array?
- Lecture 02:How to create an Array
- Lecture 03:Traversing Arrays
- Lecture 04:Array Functions
- Lecture 01:Include, Include_once
- Lecture 02:Require, Require_once
- Lecture 01:Validating text boxes,emails,phone number,etc
- Lecture 02:Creating custom regular expressions
- Lecture 01:Classes, Objects, Fields, Properties, _set(), Constants, Methods
- Lecture 02:Encapsulation
- Lecture 03:Inheritance and types
- Lecture 04:Polymorphism
- Lecture 05:Constructor and Destructor
- Lecture 06:Static Class Members, Instance of Keyword, Helper Functions
- Lecture 07:Object Cloning and Copy
- Lecture 08:Reflections
- Lecture: 01Introduction of MySQL
- Lecture: 02Integration with MySQL
- Lecture: 03MySQL functions
- Lecture: 04Gmail Data Grid options
- Lecture: 05SQL Injection
- Lecture: 06Uploading and downloading images in Database
- Lecture: 07Registration and Login forms with validations
- Lecture: 08Pagging, Sorting.
- Lecture: 01Declarations styles of String Variables
- Lecture: 02Heredoc style, String Functions
- Lecture: 03Regular Expression Stntax(POSIX)
- Lecture: 04PHP’s Regular Expression Functions(POSIX Extended)
- Lecture: 01File Functions
- Lecture: 02Open, Create and Delete files
- Lecture: 03Create Directories and Manipulate them
- Lecture: 04Information about Hard Disk
- Lecture: 05Directory Functions
- Lecture: 06Calculating File, Directory and Disk Sizes
- Lecture: 01Error Logging
- Lecture: 02Configuration Directives
- Lecture: 03PHP’s Exception Class
- Lecture: 04Throw New Exception
- Lecture: 05Custom Exceptions
- Lecture: 01HTTP Authentication
- Lecture: 02PHP Authentication
- Lecture: 03Authentication Methodologies
- Lecture: 01What are Cookies
- Lecture: 02Types of Cookies
- Lecture: 03How to Create and Access Cookies
- Lecture: 01Session Variables
- Lecture: 02Creating, Destroying, Retrieving and Setting Session
- Lecture: 03Retrieving and Setting the Session ID
- Lecture: 04Encoding and Decoding Session Data
- Lecture: 04Auto-Login
- Lecture: 04Recently Viewed Document Index
- Lecture: 01What are Web Services
- Lecture: 02RSS Syntax & SOAP
- Lecture: 03How to Access Web Services
- Lecture: 01What is XML
- Lecture: 02Create an XML file from PHP with Database records
- Lecture: 03Reading Information from XML File
- Lecture: 01Introduction
- Lecture: 02Storage Engines
- Lecture: 03Functions
- Lecture: 04Operators
- Lecture: 05Constraints
- Lecture: 06DDL commands
- Lecture: 07DML commands
- Lecture: 08DCL commands
- Lecture: 09TCL commands
- Lecture: 10Views
- Lecture: 11Joins
- Lecture: 12Cursors
- Lecture: 13Indexing
- Lecture: 14Stored Procedures
- Lecture: 15Mysql with PHP Programming

- Practical Oriented
- Placement Support
- Notes and Study Material is available
- Soft Skills Training
Additional Information
- Duration:3 Months
- Certification:Yes
- Projects:5 Mini 1 Major
- Batch Strength:8 to 10 Students per bath
- Languages:Marathi, Hindi, English