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JavaScript Training
JavaScript Jquery Classes in Pune | JavaScript Courses and Certification | JavaScript classes and Training Institute
What is JavaScript ?
JavaScript is a widely used programing language specially into Web Designing and Development in conjunction with HTML and CSS. It’s a text-based programming language used both on the client and server-side. It is utilized for dynamically updating content, control multimedia, animate images, Game Development, Building and Creating Web Servers, Mobile apps and many purposes.
Javasciption Course Training
Javascript is an important language for website development. Javascript is a text based programming language being used for both on the client side and sever side, it allows you to make web pages interactive. HTML are CSS languages give structure to your website and style to your web pages. To engage users on your website only structuring and styling is not enough there should be some interactive elements on the website which can be made using Javascript. It’s a strong language can add automation, amination and interactivity to your website. And the demand for Javascript developers in IT Industry day by day increasing. Thus, Javascript is one of the world’s most popular programing languages.
Javascript Course & Training Syllabus:
- Lecture 01:JavaScript Overview & Syntax
- Lecture 02:Type of JavaScript
- Lecture 03:Practicality & Power
- Lecture 04:Embedding Script In HTML File
- Lecture 05:Variable
- Lecture 01:Arithmetic & Logical
- Lecture 02:Comparison & Assignment
- Lecture 03:Conditional
- Lecture 01:If & If else
- Lecture 02:Switch & While
- Lecture 03:Do/while
- Lecture 04:For
- Lecture 01:Passing Parameter to function
- Lecture 02:Returning a value from function
- Lecture 03:Creating Object & Accessing Object Properties
- Lecture 01:Array & String Object
- Lecture 02:Date & Math Object
- Lecture 03:Window & Navigator Object
- Lecture 01:Mouse Events
- Lecture 02:Frame/Object Events
- Lecture 03:Form Events

- Practical Oriented
- Placement Support
- Notes and Study Material is available
- Soft Skills Training
Additional Information
- Duration:3 Months
- Certification:Yes
- Projects:5 Mini 1 Major
- Batch Strength:8 to 10 Students per bath
- Languages:Marathi, Hindi, English